Statement of Core Values
- Verus is committed to providing our clients with excellent service and advice, for a fee that represents good value for money
- Verus is committed to being open, honest and transparent in all things. We will at all times act in an ethical and truthful manner.
- Verus will identify, disclose and appropriately deal with any conflicts of interest that arise
- Verus is committed to constantly seeking to improve everything we do. There is no finishing line in our striving for excellence
- Verus’s staff adopt and uphold the CII Code of Ethics
- Verus is committed to helping and supporting its staff achieve their full professional potential
- Verus’s staff always treat each other, and our customers, with respect
- Verus will deal with any customer dissatisfaction quickly and resolutely and will learn from any mistakes
- Verus observes the FCA’s “Treating Customers Fairly” principles, and upholds all of its wider regulatory responsibilities
- Verus will treat people fairly regardless of: age, disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation and transgender.
- Verus will regularly seeks feedback from its customers and will act upon such feedback
- Verus has a comprehensive Investment Policy Statement which sets out our firm’s investment philosophy. We firmly believe in this approach and that it represents the best way for our customers’ money to be invested and managed.